My very good friend from States, June whom I've known since Std 1 wanted me to make some fruit cheese tarts & lemon mango cup-a-cakes for her mom. This one in particular is extra challenging for me because like myself, June loves to bake & so does her mom! We can never stop talking if the topic of baking and new ideas come up. She has also been a great supporter for my new baking interest.
She wanted cheese tarts topped with fruits. My 'chef' advised me to select strawberries, kiwis and peaches for a nice colour combo - I'm glad I listened. Seriously so nice!
The 3 fruits give it a very nice combination taste wise as well...
I packaged them in a small box which fits the 12-tarts perfectly! Added ribbons to make it look more like a gift :)
Lemon & Mango base top with up-to-me... So well, for the base, i used fresh lemon zest & mangoes. The mangoes are really sweet! It'll definitely make the cupcakes sweeter.... But the lemon zest really brings out the smell! Yumm yummm..
June only wanted 12 but I made 15 for her... with one jumbo sized as the centre-piece. She has been bugging me to tell her how much all this will cost but Í have decided for this to be a gift for her. She's been such a great support, this is the LEAST I can do! I'm risking not having future biz from her...! I hope not.... She's too nice to do that... Please accept this, ok?
She wanted to keep it simple...
She loves dagarees... I made a heart shaped love using dagarees, heart shaped sugar and to give it the height, I used milk rocky! As for the icing, I did mango icing to blend with the base... June asked me to use as little icing as possible... I left it at a rose swirl. Note: To all cup-a-cake lovers, don't worry about not liking the icing! You can always take it off the top! It's just to make it pretty! But do give it a try... at least a bit. Sinful but Y.U.m.M.Y!
And finally, into the box with a carrier...
The message...
With love from June, the brother & her hubby!

Added some ribbons as the final touch... chill it a while.... and I'm ready to deliver!